От редакцииРедакция ТЧК продолжает публикацию статей лауреатов шнобелевской премии. Впервые в 1997 г. шнобелевская премия была присуждена номинанту, брату всемирно известного писателя Курта Воннегута, Бернарду, посмертно. Публикуя результат его исследования, проведенного еще в 1975 г., и опубликованного тогда же в журнале Weatherwise, редакция ТЧК все еще надеется быть услышанной шнобелевским комитетом. Мы продолжаем утверждать, что профессор Джеймс Макконнелл также достоин награждения столь почетной премией, к сожалению, посмертно... 31 Oct 14
Bernard Vonnegut. CHICKEN PLUCKING AS MEASURE OF TORNADO WIND SPEEDOne way of estimating the wind in a tornado vortex is to determine by experiment what air speed is required to blow all the feathers off a chicken, a phenomenon known to occur in these severe storms. Hazen gives the following account of such an experiment carried out by Elias Loomis in 1842.
Because it is difficult to separate the effects produced by the explosion in the gun from those that are the result of the movement of the bird relative to the air, this version of the experiment leaves much to be desired. With the modern technology of a wind tunnel or a shock tube, however, the difficulties associated with accelerating the bird to tornado speed could be obviated. In the course of an evaluation of a possible modern version of Loomis’s experiment, a preliminary investigation was made to determine what is known about the forces required to remove feathers. It was found that the force with which the feathers are held by the follicles is highly variable and in the circumstances of a tornado might be greatly reduced. It depends not only on the bird’s health and molting period, but also the state of its nervous system. A response known as flight - molt is recognized in which during conditions of stress the bird’s follicles relax so that the feathers can be pulled out with far less force than is normally required. Possibly this may be a mechanism for survival, leaving a predator with only a mouth full of feathers and permitting the bird to escape. In light of the fact that the force required to remove the feathers from the follicles varies over a wide range in a complicated and unpredictable way and depends on the chicken’s condition and his reaction to his environment, the plucking phenomenon is of doubtful value as an index. Probably it is not indicative of winds as intense as might at first be supposed. AcknowledgmentsThe author is indebted to Professor Kenneth Able of the biology Department of this university for his guidance to the scientific literature pertaining to this aspect of plumage. ReferencesFlora, S.D., 1953: Tornadoes of the United States. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Hazen, H.A., 1890: The Tornado. N.D.C. Hodges, Publisher, New York. Ludlum, D.M., 1970: Early American Tornadoes. Payne, R.B., 1972: Mechanisms and control of molt. Avian Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York. Voitkevich A.A., 1966: The Feathers and Plumage of Birds. Sidgwick and Jackson, London. Приглашение к обсуждению прочитанного |
Из wikipedia.orgКурт Воннегут (1922 - 2007), американский писатель-сатирик. Бернард Воннегут (1914 – 1997), американский метеоролог и химик, профессор метеорологии, изобретатель применения иодида серебра для искусственного рассеивания облаков. Weatherwise, (ISSN 0043-1672) is a magazine founded by David M. Ludlum and was published by Heldref Publications but now is published by Taylor & Francis Group.