The problem considered in proposed work, has highly debt pre-history. Sufficiently recall far-famed formula
"to make a mountain out of a molehill" ("to make an elefant of a fly" - is a Russian equivalent)
that, certainly, presents itself a quoting from some ancient disquisition on a musk-elephology. In the article thereby theoretical motivation have gotten the following empirical laws.
1. Intertransformations in the system "an elephant - a fly" requires appreciably energy or material expenseses (if used energy in the form of a rest mass).
2. The elephants are met in a hot countries mainly.
The huge significance of Elephant giganteus is generally known in a national economy. The author propose an effective and economical method for it manufacturing. The author suggest use of as source material a musca pomoica.The author given a description of a source material, a research method and the discussion results.
It was hot and consequently with washing I was arranged on a verandah.It was O.K., if not importunate flies. Here's the opposite essences!.. When once again the importunate insect has begun to spin beside, I haven't sustained and I have whacked its towel which just unscrewed. I has got! The towel plait has stood in air, it has then moved, then it tremble, I was threw to my person… has blinked. And when has opened eyes…It has tested huge desire again them to close. Directly before me there was a big grey elephant. He's present!..