От редакцииВ который раз приходится нарушать собственные правила... Мы публикуем патент, срок действия которого истек 30 Aug 01. Но иначе поступить не можем - его автор получил за него Шнобелевку в том же году. Это уже вторая публикация шнобелевского лауреата в нашем сборнике... 24 Sep 14
УДК 608.3
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Fig. 1. Perspective drawing of a cart incorporating a series of circular transportation facilitation devices in accordance with a preffered aspect of the present invention. |
Fig. 2. A side elevational view of the circular transportation facilitation device in accordance wit a preferred aspect of the present invention | ![]() |
Turning firstly to Fig. 1, there is provided a cart 10 in the form of an open topped box 12. Mounted to the underside of the box 12 are rods (or axles) 14. The rods 14 are mounted perpendicularly to the direction of movement indicated by arrow A.
Mounted on each end of each rod 14 is a circular transportation facilitation device 16, also shown in Fig. 2. Each circular transportation facilitation device 16 lies in a plane substantially perpendicular to the axis of its perspective rod 14.
Each circular transportation facilitation device 16 includes a hollow cylindrical bearing member 18, a series of connecting members 20 and a circular rim member 22. Attached to each rim member 22 is a protective rubber sheath 24, which may be inflated with air to provide cushioning to the cart 10 and protect the rim member 22 during use.
The hollow cylindrical bearing member 18 of each circular transportation facilitation device 16 is rotatably mounted on a rod 14. The hollow cylindrical bearing member 18 is fixed to the circular rim member 22 by the series of connecting members 20 as shown
As constructed, the cart 10 is movable backwards or forwards in line with axis A, to effect carriage of goods and/or persons (not shown) in the open box 12. At the cart 10 moves in a give direction on a surface on which it is placed, the circular transportation facilitation devices 16 simultaneously rotate to allow smooth forward or backward movement of the cart 10, largely unaffected by the coefficient of friction between the surface on which the cart 10 is situated and the part of the circular transportation facilitation device 16 which is in contact with the surface. The rotating motion of the circular transportation facilitation devices 16 means that there is little, if any relative movement between the surface on which the cart 10 is situated and the part of the circular transportation facilitation devices 16 which is in contact with the surface.
The circular transportation facilitation devices 16 clearly has wide applicability in transport of goods and persons from one point to another, and it is anticipated that the scope of the claims defined hereunder would cover such various forms of transport as well as wide range of other users.
1. A transportation facilitation device including:
✓ a circular rim;
✓ a bearing in which a hollow cylindrical member is rotatable about a rod situated within the hollow cylindrical member; and
✓ a series of connecting members connecting the circular rim with the hollow cylindrical member to maintain the circular rim and the hollow cylindrical member in substantially fixed relation; wherein the rod is positioned on an axis perpendicular to the plane of the circular rim, and substantially central of the circular rim.
2. A transportation facilitation device in accordance with claim 1, wherein a rubber layer is provided on an outer surface of the circular rim/
3. A transportation facilitation device in accordance with claim 2, wherein a rubber layer includes an inflatable tube.
Жена била Гейтса
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